Friday, January 31, 2014


Sorry for not posting anything sense the first blog entry. I have been being busy, forgetting, or just not wanting to update.  There will be a new blog entry tomorrow night or Sunday morning for the date 2/1/14
Hope you like the blog so far (with its one post) and hope you continue reading.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

First Blog For BlueTown 1/18/14

Hello everyone this is Thomas, an animal crossing player and I am starting a blog for my animal crossing new leaf game!  One thing to note though, I have already started the game so I am starting at the point am I at in the game which is about one month of playing it.

First things first, I load up the game and come out of my house! I got some work to do with the tiles...
I walk a bit and see one of my villagers, Anicotti! I am going to show you guys ALL of my 9 (yes 9) villagers except for one, she was asleep.
Aww, she thinks she is going to win the fishing tournament.
Anyways I went to go talk to Chip, but the tournament has not started yet. :( Don't look at his eyes!

I go to the Roost and see Tortimer is there! :O He likes sugar!!!
Anyways I get some coffee and then go. I can't work here yet, but I think I will be able to soon.
I soon see that on the build board the traffic signal I built is finished! I then shortly go look at it.
I built the traffic signal for Flip the monkey because he was sick. :(

Speaking of Flip, I go say hi to him. Flip is cool, Flip is awesome!
 What?!?!? NO!
Anyways, I then go sit on my yellow bench for about 2 seconds.
After that, I go visit my favorite villager, Lucy! Love those eyes!

I love you Lucy! Wait not that kind of love!
I soon find the most pathetic ore rock ever and see that we got shrooms!
Mushroom, mushroom!
I then stop by Elvis' house to say hi, but he was asleep!
LOL what?!?!?!
I then see Joey the duck by the bridge and talk to him.
Oh, it's on!
I soon go looking for Graham the hamster on the beach. He is always on the beach!
Yes I am!
I then stop by Bluebear's house (she is a bear if you did not figure that out) but I go away because I thought she was not home, but she was! I go to her house later though.
I go searching for someone else and find Big Top the elephant! I talk to him right away.

Good to know...
Also Tammy the bear is sleeping so I could not talk to hear. :(
I then go back to Bluebear's house and see that she is home! Yay for not looking for her for like 2 hours!
The lastest gossip is that you are on the internet now!
Anyways, I go back to my house to show you guys it!
My first room is a room with ice furniture! I play K.K. Bazaar in here but I am going to change it to something else.

My top room is a balloon room that plays K.K. Birthday! Birthday Party!

Anyways, that is all I wanted to show you for this first blog post! I am posting another one later today but I need for pictures! Plus, I need to do my daily tasks! So I'll see you guys when I upload the next blog post!